The winners in the general public category: Okljuk – Interpretation on polygon as a tool for understanding the cultural landscape”, Slovenia
‴ International Conference

The E-CLIC International Conference was held in Tartu, Estonia at 6-8th May 2015 and attracted European and international interest.. The conference discussed the central theme of the project, presented the project results, and launched the follow-up status of the E-CLIC online community (E-CLIC Facebook page). It also provided a stage for the national winners of the CLIC competitions, who were presented to the audience. Amongst the 18 national winners and the 2 participants from other European countries, four European winners were selected by a jury of experts – 2 winners in the secondary education students category, a winner in the University students category, and a winner in the category of the general public.

The European E-CLIC winners are:

– Secondary education students category: Demetris Ntaras, “I can”, Doukas Gymnasium, Greece

– Secondary education students category: 3rd Gymnasium of Corinth, “I dream of a city that is friendlier, more at home”, Greece

– University students category: Francisco de Borja Castillo Alberola, Juan José Ruiz Hernández, Javier López-Menchero Ortiz de Salazar, Juan Antonio Alvarado Cano, “Living allotments – Viure l’horta”, Spain

– General public category: Aleš Smrekar, Mateja Šmid Hribar, Jernej Tiran, “Okljuk – Interpretation on polygon as a tool for understanding the cultural landscape”, Slovenia