Chios Island, Greece
‴ Greece

The Greek CLIC conference took place at the Conference Hall of the National Museum of War in Athens, on the 18th of October 2014, bringing together 200 participants from all the project target groups (secondary school students and teachers, academics and University students, professionals and the general public). Following the conference opening and welcome by the organisers, the floor was given to the competition participants who presented their proposals. There were also presentations by 3 keynote speakers invited:

• Giorgos Melissourgos, Geographer, President of the Union for the Greek Landscape, “This is a Landscape: Emphatically introducing the landscape to public discussion and education”.
• Aethra Maria, Professor of Environmental Law in the University of Crete, “Can law protect values like the landscape?”
• Panita Karamanea, Professor of Architectural Design and Landscape Architecture, University of Crete, “Landscape Architecture: the ecological urban regeneration tool in the modern city. Designing with nature.”

Following a free discussion, the winners were announced. There were 2 winners in the secondary school students’ category and a winner in the category of the general public. The winners were awarded E-CLIC T-shirts as a prize, while all the competition participants were given an E-CLIC badge as a souvenir of their participation.